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Everlasting Flowers A6 Card

Everlasting Flowers A6 Card


A6 tent fold card with a photograph of  Strawflowers (Xerochrysum bracteatum 'Salmon Rose') on the front and a quotation by Grace K. Houpt on the reverse side.


The card is left blank for your own message and comes with a white envelope.

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  • Floral Notes

    Strawflowers, also known as 'Everlastings', 'None-so-pretty' or 'Immortelle', bloom from July through to October.

    In the Victorian 'Language of Flowers' they are a symbol of 'everlasting remembrance' and in modern-day floriography; cheerfulness under adverse conditions; eternity; immortality, and immortal remembrance.

    A legend tells that long ago it was always summertime, but a wicked fairy created the frost and put all the flowers to sleep in the autumn. One day the fairy felt thirtsy, but she could find no water in the frozen land. A family of strawflowers, whom the wicked fairy had forgotten to put under her spell, took pity on her and pointed her to a nearby spring.

    The fairy told them, "You shall bloom forever for reward and shall be called the Everlasting Flowers, or Strawflowers or None-so-Pretty or Immortelle."

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